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Pooja Sachdev
Jan 18, 20245 min read
Building ‘Inclusive Leadership’ in Organisations
What does it mean to lead inclusively, and how can we support people in positions of leadership to develop this capacity?

Pooja Sachdev
Jun 20, 20236 min read
Is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion too western-centric?
To be truly inclusive in multi-national contexts, we need to interrogate how our DEI work translates across cultures.

Pooja Sachdev
Jul 22, 20218 min read
Changing our algorithms
Both natural and artificial intelligence functions by identifying patterns in data it is “fed”. Where the data is biased, so is the outcome.

Pooja Sachdev
Feb 24, 20211 min read
Free Resources
A number of our posts and articles contain downloadable PDF guides. We have brought these together within this post for ease!

Pooja Sachdev
Jan 4, 20216 min read
Understanding the "Spectrum of Speaking up" (S.O.S.)
If we are all familiar with unconscious bias, why do most of us do nothing when we see it in action?
Here is what I think.
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